A comparative study of Jadeite, Kosmochlor and Omphacite jades from Myanmar, and suggestions for a practical nomenclature. Published in the Journal of Gemmology, 2014, 34, 3, 210–229. Author(s): L. Franz, T.T. Sun, H.A. Haenni, C. de Capitani, T. Thanasuthipitak, W. Atichat

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Abstract: We report the first successful extraction of oyster DNA from a pearl and use it to identify the source oyster species for the three major pearl-producing oyster species Pinctada margaritifera, P. maxima and P. radiata. Both mitochondrial and nuclear gene fragments could be PCR-amplified and sequenced.

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The role of vanadium and titanium in natural and synthetic chrysoberyl and alexandrite – coloration, chatoyancy and asterism. Published in IGC 2013 Vietnam Abstract Proceedings, 84-87. Author(s): K. Schmetzer, M.S. Krzemnicki, T. Hainschwang, H.-J. Bernhardt

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