Fake pearls are beads (of whatever shape) which have been cut entirely from shell material. A perfect source for the production of such fake pearls is the Tridacna clam, amongst the largest living bivalve mollusc with a massive and thick shell of up to 110 cm diameter, mainly living along shallow coastal water

Since two years, the SSEF has been working with the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) using their ICON beamline (cold neutron imaging) at the SINQ spallation source. The aim of these research projects in collaboration with Dr. Lehmann and Dr. Mannes is to analyse

The daily routine at SSEF usually consists of testing rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls and diamonds. Although sometimes challenging and interesting, especially taking into account the quality and the documented historical provenance of some of these gems and jewellery items, it is also always of great intere

Over the past few years, the SSEF has repeatedly seen gemstones (apart from emeralds) which contained fissures filled with oil or other fillers. These include rubies, sapphires, spinels, tourmalines, garnets and even rarities such as pezzottaite.