A study of nickel-bearing type Ia diamonds
A study of nickel-bearing type Ia diamonds. IGC 2023 Proceedings, 37-39.
Synthetic moissanite with reflectivity of diamond
Synthetic moissanite with reflectivity of diamond. The Journal of Gemmology, 38(4), 323-325.
Preliminary study of defocused PL measurements of diamonds
A study of nickel-bearing type Ia diamonds. IGC 2023 Proceedings, 37-39.
Treated greenish yellow diamond with brown radiation stains
Treated greenish yellow diamond with brown radiation stains. The Journal of Gemmology, 680-683.
Laser inscription and marking of gemstones: an overview of options
Laser inscription and marking of gemstones: an overview of options. Published in Incolor, 2019, 43, 66-69.
A Preliminary SIMS Study Using Carbon Isotopes to Separate Natural from Synthetic Diamonds
A Preliminary SIMS Study Using Carbon Isotopes to Separate Natural from Synthetic Diamonds. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 2018, 36, 1, 38-43. Author(s) : H.A.O. Wang, L.E. Cartier, L.P. Baumgartner, A.-S. Bouvier, F. Begué, J.-P. Chalain, M.S. Krzemnicki
GemTOF: A new and highly versatile method to analyse trace elements and isotopes of gemstones and pearls
GemTOF: A new and highly versatile method to analyse trace elements and isotopes of gemstones and pearls. Published in IGC Namibia 2017 Abstract Proceedings, 88-90. Author(s): M.S. Krzemnicki, W.A. Balmer, H.A.O. Wang, J.-P. Chalain, P. Lefevre, W. Zhou, L.E. Cartier, H.A. Haenni
Simultaneous High Sensitivity Trace-Element and Isotopic Analysis of Gemstones Using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Simultaneous High Sensitivity Trace-Element and Isotopic Analysis of Gemstones Using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Published in Journal of Gemmology, 2016, 35, 3, 212-223. Author(s): H.A.O. Wang, M.S. Krzemnicki, J.-P. Chalain, P. Lefevre, W. Zhou, L.E. Cartier
Contributions de la gemmologie de laboratoire à l’identification du traitement HPHT du diamant
Contributions de la gemmologie de laboratoire à l’identification du traitement HPHT du diamant. Video presentation by Jean-Pierre Chalain in 2014 at the University of Nantes.
Diamant-Typen: Identifikation und Bestimmung von Behandlungen
Diamant-Typen: Identifikation und Bestimmung von Behandlungen. Gold’Or (2011) Author(s): J.-P. Chalain